The AD669BRZ is a complete 16-bit monolithic Digital-to-analog Converter (ADC) with an on-board reference and output amplifier. It is manufactured on Analog Devices BiMOS II process. This process allows the fabrication of low power CMOS logic functions on the same chip as high precision bipolar linear circuitry. The AD669 chip includes current switches, decoding logic, an output amplifier, a buried Zener reference and double-buffered latches. Its architecture insures 15-bit monotonicity over temperature. Integral nonlinearity is maintained at ±0.003%, while differential nonlinearity is ±0.003% maximum. The on-chip output amplifier provides a voltage output settling time of 10µs to within 1/2LSB for a full-scale step. Data is loaded into the AD669 in a parallel 16-bit format. The double-buffered latch structure eliminates data skew errors and provides for simultaneous updating of DAC in a multi-DAC system. Three TTL/LSTTL/5V CMOS compatible signals control the latches CS, L1 and LDAC.