February 2016 DocID027672 Rev 1 1/63
User manual
Evaluation board with STM32L073VZ MCU
The STM32L073Z-EVAL evaluation board is designed as a complete demonstration and
development platform for the STMicroelectronics ARM
-M0+ core-based
STM32L073VZT6 microcontroller with three I
C buses, two SPI interfaces, four USART
interfaces, one UART interface, 12-bit ADC and DAC, LCD driver, up to 192-Kbyte Flash
memory, 20-Kbyte RAM, 6-Kbyte Touch sensing, USB OTG FS, LCD controller, SWD
debugging support. This evaluation board can be used as reference design for user
application development but it is not considered as a final application.
The full range of hardware features on the board can help the user to evaluate all
peripherals (USB OTG FS, USART, 12-bit ADC and DAC, color TFT LCD, LCD glass,
USART, low-power UART, IrDA, microSD card, touch sensing slider, pressure
measurement, temperature measurement, LC sensor metering) and develop his
applications. The extension headers offer the possibility to connect a daughterboard or a
wrapping board for a specific application.
An embedded ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger facilitates the software development and the
programming of the STM32L073VZT6 microcontroller.
Figure 1. STM32L073Z-EVAL evaluation board
1. Picture not contractual.